Sunset at waterfront cottage rental on Manitoulin Island, Northern Ontario Canada


Providence Bay,
Manitoulin Island
Ontario, Canada

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Details on Waterfront Cottage

Ontario Travel Vacation Packages

Waterfront Cottage for Rent

  Waterfront cottage for rent on Manitoulin Island, Ontario Canada
Other Links:

Up ] Application for BBL's Outdoor Adventures in Ontario ] Aboriginal Studies Weekend on Manitoulin Island ] Aboriginal Studies Week on Manitoulin Island ] Weekend of Astronomy on Manitoulin ] Week of Astronomy on Manitoulin ] Weekend of Bicycle Fun on Manitoulin ] Week of Bicycle Fun on Manitoulin ] Weekend of Birding on Manitoulin ] Week of Birding on Manitoulin ] Week of Fishing on Manitoulin Island, Ontario Canada ] Weekend of Fishing on Manitoulin Island, Ontario Canada ] Weekend of Rocks & Fossils on Manitoulin ] Week of Rocks & Fossils on Manitoulin ] Snowmobiling Weekend Getaway on Manitoulin Island, Northern Ontario Canada ] Snowmobiling week getaway outdoor adventure on Manitoulin Island, Northern Ontario, Canada ]

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Bed & Breakfast Manitoulin|

Outdoor Ontario Adventures
on Manitoulin Island

Table of Contents

Arts & Wonders
Nature Viewing
Snow Adventures
Water Adventures
Winter Highlights

Make Application & Reservation

Arts & Wonders

Aboriginal Studies   Week   Weekend

Astronomy & Stargazing   Week   Weekend

Rocks & Fossils   Week   Weekend



Bicycling on Manitoulin   Week   Weekend



Fishing on Manitoulin   Week   Weekend




Nature Viewing

Birding on Manitoulin   Week   Weekend


Snow Adventures

Snowmobiling on Manitoulin   Week   Weekend


Water Adventures


Winter Highlights



Make Application & Reservation

Terms & Conditions

Package requires at least one responsible adult, 25 years or older, in attendance. Children participants must have the prior written permission of their parent or legal guardian. Participation and cottage rental are subject to BBL's approval of your rental application, and your signing of liability waiver & indemnification agreement. Rental deposit of $500 CAD is due with submission of package application, and becomes your Damage Security Deposit. Payment of full package price is due 3 months prior to the start date of the package, or upon acceptance of application; whichever is last to occur. Damage Security Deposit for cottage rental is fully refunded within 2 weeks after end of package (assuming no damage or loss identified by post-package inspection). You are recommended to obtain cancelation insurance, as there is no cancelation nor refund for booked vacation periods.

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Waterfront Cottage for Rent  |  Search  |  FAQ

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© 2000-2004 Black's Bay Lodge
Latest Update: April 26, 2013 11:24:24 -0400