Birds of Manitoulin
Northern Ontario Canada
Birding Table of
Why_is_Manitoulin_Island a_Birding Hotspot ?
Species & Habitats In_Maple_Hardwoods On_Farmlands Western_Elements Boreal_Forest_Birds Marsh_Birds
Others Winter_Birds
Birding Reference Sources
Manitoulin Christmas Bird
Birding Vacations &
Weekend Getaways
Why is
Manitoulin Island a Birding Hotspot ?
Manitoulin Island is located on one of the most popular bird migration
paths in North America. Manitoulin is also the first land after (or
the last land before) crossing the Great Lakes. The birds know they
will need to be fully rested before attempting this crossing, or need a
full rest having just finished this Olympic-class crossing of open water.
The best times to see migrating bird populations are between the third
week of May and second week of June; and then again during the second half
of September. In these Fall weeks, it is possible to see large "kettles"
of hawks and even eagles drifting over the island.
Based on Christmas Bird Counts done
by the Manitoulin Nature Club, the Island has a wealth of bird life even
in December. Last year's count turned up 51 different species and around
4,300 individuals. |
Red Shoulder Hawk
Great Blue Heron

Red Tail Hawk |
Male Cardinal
Blue Jay

Great Gray Owl
Red wing blackbird
waxwing and cedar waxwings |
young birder tracks his feathered friend while at BBay.To date, 314
different species of birds have been seen on Manitoulin Island.
There are 155 species that breed on Manitoulin Island.
This birding richness is due to three reasons: 1) the large
variety of birding habitats present on the island; 2)
Manitoulin being at the cross-roads for major bird flightways; and 3)
Manitoulin is the first/last land before/after crossing the Great Lakes.
Waterfront cottage
for rent on Manitoulin for your birdwatching vacation holiday
Some of the interesting birds found on Manitoulin include: |
Birds In Maple Hardwoods:
Red-Shouldered Hawk (rare)
Barred Owl
Wood Pewee
Wood Thrush
Yellow-throated Vireo |
Birds On Farmlands:
Eastern Bluebird
Meadowlark species
Vesper Sparrow
Upland Sandpiper
Eastern Phoebe
Bavarian Waxwing |
Birds in Western Elements:
Sharp-Tailed Grouse
Red-necked Grebe
Clay-coloured Sparrow
Brewer's Blackbird
Northern Pintail
Lesser Scaup |
Boreal Forest Birds:
Gray Jay
Kinglet species
Cape May Warbler
White-winged Crossbill
Northern Parula |
Marsh Birds:
Swamp Sparrow
Ring-necked Duck
Virginia Rail
American Bittern
Marsh Wren
Black Tern |
Other Birds:
Sandhill Cranes
Indigo Bunting
Rufous-sided Towhee
Red-headed Woodpecker
Green-backed Heron
Golden-winged Flycatcher
Crested Flycatcher
Bald Eagle
Golden Eagle
Cooper's Hawk |
Winter Birds:
Great Grey Owl Northern Hawk
Owl Snowy Owl
Loggerhead Shrike
Reference Sources for Birding
on Manitoulin Island, Ontario Canada
For a much more detailed treatment of Manitoulin's bird life, please
Birds of Manitoulin 2nd ed. by John C. Nicholson, Sudbury,
Ontario 1981
Birds of Manitoulin: A Seasonal Occurrence by the Manitoulin
Nature Club.
These books are available at the Manitoulin Expositor in Little
Current, at Huron Sands in Providence Bay, or through members of the
Manitoulin Nature Club c/o Jean Williamson, P.O. Box 118, Mindemoya,
Ontario POP 1S0.
Information provided by
Friends of Misery Bay, R.R. #1 Box 55, Evansville, Ontario POP 1EO
e-mail: |
Done each year around Christmas, in both Mindemoya and Gore Bay, proof
positive that Manitoulin is a birding hotspot.
1998 Christmas Bird Count, Manitoulin
2005 Christmas Bird Count, Manitoulin |
Weekend Getaway: Birding
Birding Vacation Week on
Manitoulin |