Sunset at waterfront cottage rental on Manitoulin Island, Northern Ontario Canada


Providence Bay,
Manitoulin Island
Ontario, Canada

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  Waterfront cottage for rent on Manitoulin Island, Ontario Canada
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Make Payment to
Black's Bay Lodge

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Payment Options

Write a cheque
Pay by Paypal
Make a direct deposit

Payment Options

You can make payment to Black's Bay Lodge by one of the following 3 options:

  •  Write a cheque for the deposit.  Make the cheque payable to "Mr. Glenn Black".  Be sure to allow sufficient time for the mail to deliver, and for BBay to process.

    Due to fraud prevention, for Canadian cheques, please allow 2 weeks for cheque to clear after BBay's receipt before we can credit you with payment.  For US cheques, allow 4 weeks.  For overseas cheques, please allow at least 8 weeks (some countries may be as long as 3 months, contact BBL for more info).  If there is less time than this before your rental period starts, you will have to choose a different method of payment.  If your cheque is for an amount in excess of your rental fees, we can only credit the credit balance after an additional clearing delay (at least 4 weeks, to as long as 6 months, depending on the type and country of origin; no exceptions, even for you and you're very special, exceptional circumstances).  We never give cash refunds, nor "cash back" during your stay.  You will have to make other arrangements for pocket money.  If these payment and cheque clearing terms are unacceptable, you'll have to go elsewhere.

    Please make cheques payable to:   Mr. Glenn Black

    Send your cheque, Application forms, and signed Waiver form to:

    Mr. Glenn Black
    Black's Bay Lodge
    576 Firehall Rd.   P.O. Box 101
    Providence Bay,  ON   P0P 1T0

    Phone:    +1 (705)-377-4039
    Fax         +1 (705)-377-4039


  • Pay by Paypal over the Web instantly (from your credit card, Debit Card, or bank account)


    $ Enter the amount of money that you want to send to BBay via PayPal,
    Amount is in Canadian Dollars $
    Amount is in US dollars $


  • Make a direct deposit to Black's Bay bank account.  Click here to contact us and we will send you the required banking information
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© 2000-2004 Black's Bay Lodge
Latest Update: April 26, 2013 11:24:24 -0400